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The 2024 Paris Olympics will be purple - thanks to France's lavender running tracks

Aug. 07,2024
The 2024 Paris Olympics will be purple - thanks to France's lavender running tracks.

The French understand romance.
Do you prefer a purple track or a red track?

Today is August 7th, and the 2024 Paris Olympics has been over for more than a week. This Olympics has a special feature: the stadium that hosts the track and field competitions uses a purple track. This purple track has ushered in a wave of discussion on the Internet. Many people like it, and many people don’t like this color that is different from the regular track.

The manufacturer of this purple track is the Italian company Mondo. They said that this track helps athletes perform better and is more environmentally friendly than the tracks of previous Olympic Games.

This time, at the 2024 Paris Olympics, this type of purple track and field track has a total area of 21,000 square meters, including two colors of dark and light purple.
Paris Olympics violet tracks

Purple is a mysterious and noble color. The purple color of the runway reminds people of the lavender in Provence.

The new runway is made of synthetic rubber, natural rubber, mineral ingredients, pigments and additives, of which about 50% are made of recycled or renewable materials. This purple runway is actually very environmentally friendly.

As a color, purple is not uncommon in nature, especially in the field of plants, such as lavender, violets, lilacs, hanging bamboo plums, platycodon... and even ripe eggplants. But for humans, it was once very difficult to obtain purple pigments or dyes, so few countries would use purple as the color of their national flags.

Many people are curious about what pigments the purple runway of the Paris Olympics is made of. 

Next, iSuoChem will reveal it to you.

Organic pigment purple 23 is one of the main pigments of the purple runway.

In the entire organic pigment product line, purple 23 is the best-selling color of purple organic pigments. Some people also call her permanent violet. Purple 23 can not only be used to dye the runway. It is also widely used in printing inks, coatings, textiles, plastics, and rubber industries.

Pigment Violet 23 for paris olympics

During the Paris Olympics, what other application scenarios will use Pigment Violet 23?
1. In the early preparation stage of the 2024 Paris Olympics, Pigment Violet 23 was widely used for dyeing various products. Such as murals, sculptures, banners, flags, etc., to create a unified and harmonious visual atmosphere. Some venues, subway stations, or other road signs will also use finished products of Pigment Violet 23, such as signs and arrows made of organic pigments containing purple tones, which can help viewers find their destination quickly.
2. Pigment Violet 23 can also be used in the clothing industry, such as the design of national team uniforms of some participating countries. Pigment Violet 23 is also called Permanent Violet, which has very good durability and ensures that the colors of the Olympic uniforms are bright and long-lasting.

In addition, during the 2024 Paris Olympics, what other application scenarios have you seen with purple tones? Welcome to write to discuss.

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